There’s no denying that electric vehicles (EVs) are on the rise in the United States (with some forecasts predicting that electric vehicles will increase from 3 million in 2018 to over 125 million by 2030), and with benefits like helping the environment and saving money, we understand the wide appeal for owners. But electric vehicles don’t only benefit the environment and their drivers: businesses also can reap the rewards of these eco-friendly cars.

Even without personally driving an electric vehicle, business owners have the opportunity to get on the forefront of this trend, and install electric vehicle charging stations outside of their storefronts and office buildings. Below we’ve rounded up our favorite reasons to consider adding electric vehicle charging stations to your business.
Get Ahead of the Curve
Just as smartphones have transformed the way we communicate, electric vehicles are in the process of disrupting the traditional automobile industry. Become an early adopter of this growing trend, and position yourself and your business as a leader in this eco-conscious revolution by installing electric vehicle charging stations at your storefront or office. By trailblazing this movement, you’re making a statement that you’re up-to-date on the latest technology, and have an appreciation of the environment.
Attract Customers
In cities where electric vehicle charging stations have not been installed at every parking lot, EV owners are often forced to scour the city for a charging source when running low on power. Offering charging stations will serve as a draw to your business, and since the average EV owner is in an above-average income bracket, they’re a customer group you want to walk through your front door.
Attract Employees
Similarly to how customers will be drawn to your business for charging stations, these are a great employee benefit to attract and retain quality talent. Send a message to your employees that you care about them and the environment by installing EV charging stations in your office parking garage or lot so their cars can charge while they work.
Extra Income
Since EV charging stations are not yet commonplace, you have the unique opportunity to pick your price. Whether you choose to make charging free as a benefit to parking in your lot or garage, charge only for the electricity, or include a small convenience fee, you have the ability to name your price and add this to your revenue stream.
Do Your Part
According to City Lab, transportation makes up the largest share of emissions in the US, which is the world’s second-largest producer of greenhouse gasses. Why not do your part to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and make our planet a better place to live? Donovan Energy’s own Tim Donovan personally drives and electric vehicle, citing environmental regard as their reason for purchasing them.
“Electric vehicles produce no tailpipe emissions and reduce the need for fossil fuels,” says Donovan. “It’s great saving money on fuel and maintenance on a personal level, but knowing that I’m able to make a larger impact and help the environment was definitely my driving factor.”
As a business owner with electric vehicle charging stations, you’re making it easier for more drivers to make the move to an eco-friendly vehicle. Small changes from individual businesses adding electric vehicle charging stations can add up to have a meaningful environmental impact.
Interested in getting electric vehicle charging stations for your business? Contact Donovan Energy to learn more today.